How You May Benefit from the Donor Recognition Wall
You may certainly benefit from the cutting-edge touch technology and get an interactive donor recognition wall. Through such interactive digital signage, then you will be able replace the plaques and those metal nameplates of the donor walls and be able to acknowledge those contributors with their photos, featured profiles and a lot more with the custom software options. This is not only a more comprehensive method of showing your appreciation because of their generosity, but you may also feature the video stories that you want to show, the pictures as well as other information regarding those people who have actually contributed to your organization.
In the other applications, there have been those digital displays which are used for supplementing the traditional donor wall in order to get the contributors the kind of attention which they deserve. There are also those organizations which have actually consolidated the information into such easily updated database list which may be implemented a lot quicker as well as more effectively than what those traditional donor walls may provide. For those with many people to recognize or acknowledge, the touch screen digital displays can really make it a lot easier for the contributors and also the others to know more about those who have supported your organization.
If you make that decision to have such interactive donor recognition, the different components may actually be custom tailored to the specifications that you want and because they are making use of the advanced touch screen technology which a lot of people are really familiar with from the personal electronics, you are sure that they are very easy to use. There are those donor walls which will also feature those interactive maps or that way-finding feature of a facility and also the contributor acknowledgments which may also be shown in the screen locations which are actually dedicated to the bigger contributors of the month or any of the other kinds of custom design which you like to put on display.
The interactive donor recognition wall or the digital signage is now being used by a lot of corporations as well as other organizations for product demonstrations, advertising, step-by-step instructions and a lot of others. With the use of those digital displays, there are many ways which they can be put to use in the universities, the hospitals and also the other charity driven facilities like the historic landmarks, the zoos and the other places where the contributors must be recognized in a sophisticated fashion. There are many components that may be included in the interactive donor profiles like the donor statuses categorized in bronze, gold or silver and the amount of the contribution and where the money was used. When you have full-color photos, then you will have a more interesting donor recognition wall.
With this kind of option, you won’t just recognize the donors in a more complete profit but you can customize this in a lot easier way in order to fit your specific needs, regardless of what you wish to include.
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