Things That You Need to Examine Before You Hire a Web Developing Company
Basic things that every company that needs website looks for in web developers is their cost, hidden charges, the experience of the developers and their reputation. Here are more things that you need to examine before you hire a web developing company.
It would help if you had your IT and other selected staff in your company to work on the project to work closely with the web developers are every step of the web design, development and installation. Web developers are technical people who may not understand your business need hence your staff is there to guide them to develop a site that will meet those needs.
They have to be comfortable to use modern coding languages and platforms because your site should have modern features. The web developing company must have experts in various fields of IT such as digital marketers and graphic designers to offer you other web-related services in the future.
They should have free customer support services after web installation. They have to train your employees on how to use the site and solve the challenges that the employees may experience. The only way that the experts can determine the errors that are on the site and the challenges that the employees are facing when using it is by training and observing the employees during the training so that they can improve the site. Finding customers to test the site can be challenging but employees can step into the shoes of the customers.
It depends on the payment plan you agree with the web developer because the expert may install the template of the software directly onto your system or hand over the software licenses/keys and admin access only if you are yet to complete the payment. The experts are also afraid that you can steal their software hence they can’t risk hand over essential documents of the software to a client who has not paid the full amount.
You should be given quality assurance document, source files, software instructions manual, web maintenance document, web testing plan document and any other documents when you are done with paying for the website. All these documents can be combined in a RAR or Zip and emailed to you or sent through the cloud applications like Dropbox but developers who are still using the old technology will burn them on a CD and hand it over to you.
There are documents that the developer needs to send to you as hard copies hence you can also receive signed a contract in paper form of it can be scanned and sent to you through the internet. Owning the sites’ documentation proves the transfer of ownership of the website form the web design company to your company hence ensure that you have all the documents so that you do not give a room of being duped.