Kitchen Appliances Hacks That Change The Game
The use of kitchen appliances has increased over the past years. Below are tips to ensure you are a master multitasker in your kitchen.
To make grilled cheese, you can use a toaster. Don’t assume that it is easy to perform this hack. Top it to the side gently. Places pieces of bread that have cheese on top. Push the lever down and stand by. Unplg the toaster when it is ready.
Ice cube tray can be used to make ice cream. Pour ice cream base into the ice cube tray. Store it in a freezer and give it time to become ice cream. Take the cubes and put them in a food processor or blender. Take your ice cream.
Use a dishwasher to cook salmon or lobster. Mix the salmon with spice, buter, oil and lemon wedge. Tightly wrap them with a foil. If you prefer lobster, toss it into a mason jar with some butter. Use the normal washing cycle and exclude use of soap. Your lobster or salmon will be ready after the end of the dishwashing cycle.
Toppings can be crushed using a pepper grinder. Fill toppings such as Doritos or Oreo cookies into the pepper grinder and grind. The end result will be sprinkles that can be used on cupcake or ice cream.
Use a coffee grinder to make spices. You can mix various kinds of spices. For whole spices such as cumin, cardamom and anise, roast them firs. For harder spices like peppercorn, use sharper blade. The blade needs to be at the bottom of the grinder for seeds that are tiny and fine. Grind the spices until they become powder.
A waffle maker can be used to make crisp hash browns. Take a waffle iron and preheat them spread large pieces of grated potatoes. Wait for the wall furnace to get hot and press it down until the potatoes are golden and crispy.
A mixer bowl is used to shed meat. The meat should be cooked. You can choose between turkey, roast beef or boneless chicken. Take the meat and put it in a mixer bowl on low. It takes 10 seconds for the meat to be ready. However, if the shredded meat is for soups or casseroles consider letting it spin for more seconds.
A sodastream is ideal for making sparkling wine. Take fruit juice, wine, syrup, liquor and water and mix them together.You can also use sodastream to make cocktails and fruit sodas.Sodastream is also used in making fruit sodas and cocktails. A popcorn machine is ideal for toasting herbs. It can also be used to dry herbs.
Use a coffee grinder to make tempura flour. Throw a bunch of dry rice into the coffee grinder. Grind the grains until they becomes fine flour.